December 2021 An importnat step towards exciting work at the MAX IV Laboratory! The photo is at the ForMAX beamline: (from left to right) Roland and Reza. September 2021 New group photo! From left to right: Georgia, Hengzhi, Reza, Roland, Sajjad, Sylwia, Ases, Alexandra and Viney. August 2021 Sylwia (second from the left) successully defendeded her licentiate thesiscongratulations! Opponent: Dr. Tiffany Abitbol, RISE. August 2021 Group members participating in the NRC&NPD 2021 and their avatars. From top-right clockwise on the diplay: Sylwia, Roland, Sajjad, Viney, Christos and Alexandra. Can you guess the avatars? June 2021 A beautiful day for a great ride at the annual group cycling trip (from left to right: Georgia, Roland, Sylwia, Sajjad and Reza). April 2021 Another virtual conferene success. It was hard work but fun organizing the 14th Annual European Rheology Coference. Photo with group members and alumni present at the conference (from left to right: Sajjad, Mina, Sylwia, Simon, Roland and Reza).